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Mesothelioma Treatment Clinical Trial Launches Third Phase
UK researchers have launched the third phase of a ground-breaking clinical trial to evaluate a potential mesothelioma treatment that could possibly cure the fatal disease caused by asbestos exposure.
University of Southampton and the University of Leicester are conducting the trial, according to a press release issued this past week. It is the first clinical trial of its kind at the University of Southampton’s Centre of Cancer Immunology. Researchers expect the study to conclude in September.
The drug unleashes the power of the body’s immune system to kill cancer cells. Researchers are looking to understand why some patients do or don’t respond to the drug and identify biomarkers to maximize benefits.
The Mesothelioma Treatment Paradox
It has haunted late night and daytime television commercials for as long as civil attorneys have been advertising, but it has haunted its victims for much longer. Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer in the lining of the lungs, stomach, heart, abdomen, and other organs. Its symptoms and warning signs are similar to that of stomach and gastrointestinal cancer.
The Mesothelioma Treatment Paradox
It has haunted late night and daytime television commercials for as long as civil attorneys have been advertising, but it has haunted its victims for much longer. Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer in the lining of the lungs, stomach, heart, abdomen, and other organs. Its symptoms and warning signs are similar to that of stomach and gastrointestinal cancer.
The only known cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. Asbestos is a mineral compound that was a primary construction material for several centuries. Regulatory agencies had long suspected the inherent dangers of the mineral. However, it wasn’t until the latter half of the 20th century that asbestos’ risks really became common knowledge.
Due to relatively common symptoms coupled with the fact that symptoms may take years to manifest, misdiagnosis is common with this disease and hinders appropriate mesothelioma treatment. Traditional treatment consists of chemotherapy, radiotherapy. and surgical removal. These all keep the disease in control, but don’t eradicate it.
To date, asbestos lawsuits comprise one of the largest mass-torts in US history. More than 600,000 individuals have brought claims against more than 6,000 defendants after being diagnosed with mesothelioma or other related injuries that were allegedly caused by inhaling asbestos fibers.
The Latest in Mesothelioma Treatment
The Latest in Mesothelioma Treatment
Despite the fact that most uses have long been banned, studies have shown a rise in mesothelioma rates since the 1970s. Furthermore, the rise is at an alarming rate, nearly six-fold in Great Britain alone. In the US, the National Institute of Health estimates that asbestos exposure impacted more than 11 million people between 1940 – 1978.
The drug, nivolumab, has already shown to successfully treat advanced melanoma and advanced kidney cancer. Now, researchers are hoping this success will translate to a brighter tomorrow for mesothelioma patients.
In earlier rounds of the mesothelioma treatment trial, nivolumab has already performed well with some patients experiencing full remission. The drug works by finding and blocking a protein on the surface of certain immune cells.
Blocking this protein triggers the immune cells to locate and kill cancer cells. The trial is testing 304 relapsed mesothelioma patients. It seeks to identify biomarkers the help target the best candidates for this treatment.
The trial launched May 18, 2017, just ahead of International Clinical Trials Day. Here’s hoping that it makes strides towards fighting this particularly harrowing disease.
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